IPRA & Ryan Feerer

This from the site.

My name is Ryan Feerer and I love design and all of its parts. My father is a preacher so as a kid I would draw during his sermons. Draw a little Jesus, draw a little John… so on and so forth. My passion for the arts started then, at about age 4.

After high school I briefly studied computer animation at the Art Institute of Dallas. I soon realized that my passion lied in design so I went to Abilene Christian University to study graphic design. Design captured everything I love including illustration, typography, motion, and print.

After graduating ACU, I went to the School of Visual Arts and got my masters in design. I was fortunate to be able to study under some of the best creatives in the field. Steve Heller, Milton Glaser, and Stefan Sagmeister are a few of the people I’ve been blessed to learn from. While at SVA, I continued to work for myself as well as do work for various studios around NYC, including the Godfather of design, Milton Glaser.

I then worked at Funny Garbage, a design firm specializing in web design and all that is awesome. While at Funny Garbage I worked with clients such as The N, Teen Nick, Nicktoons, PBS kids, Si TV, HIT Entertainment, The Indianapolis Marion County Public Library and Lil Jon.

After two years with Funny Garbage my wife and I moved from NYC back to the prettiest town you’ve ever seen, Abilene, TX. I recently helped form a design collective in Abilene named Abidesco (Abilene Design Co.) I’m also super-blessed to be teaching at Abilene Christian University where my passion for design really started to take form.


Laureato in biblioteconomia, autore del volume sull'editoria underground italiana dal titolo "Underground: ascesa e declino di un'altra editoria 1966-1977" edito da Costa & Nolan e già collaboratore della rivista di collezionismo "Vintage" con una rubrica sulla poster art.

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