IPRA presents Skinner

Skinner is a self-taught artist from Sacramento, California who has meticulously crafted a balance of extraordinary mural work, mighty powerful wall to wall installations and a prolific commercial career. Influenced by 80’s pop culture, human struggle, myths and violence dungeons and dragons and the heavy metal gods, Skinner’s mind is one full of mayhem fueled by a calculated chaos. His work has been shown all over the Universe at places like the museum of graphic design in Breta, Netherlands, Japan, Illustrative festival in Berlin, Germany, France and the states from LA to New York and in between..recently participating in the epic suggestivism show at the Grand Central Arts Center. His most recent solo exhibit entitled The Fear You May Know reigned at the White Walls Gallery in San Francisco in the summer of 2010. Skinner’s work has made known in various publications including Blisss, Juxtapoz, Hi Fructose and Beautiful/Decay.

There is a Worm That Wants You to Die

There is a Cannabalistic Virtue You Will Never Understand

There is a Thundering Thing That You Will Always Fear

A Full Diaper for the Nuclear Age

A Vision of Enlightened Prosperity

Laureato in biblioteconomia, autore del volume sull'editoria underground italiana dal titolo "Underground: ascesa e declino di un'altra editoria 1966-1977" edito da Costa & Nolan e già collaboratore della rivista di collezionismo "Vintage" con una rubrica sulla poster art.

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