IPRA presents Sean Aaberg

“Sean’s art is unpredictable and eclectic by design so perhaps a defining aspect is the shape-shifting “trickster” element that informs his approach. He’s not afraid to pull his viewer’s pants down for laughs, hit below the cultural belt or call the dreaded tickle police to the scene of the crime. For many years he employed the pseudonym “Goblin” and I think this nickname embodied both the playful and sinister aspects of his work. Imagine the Norse god Loki resurrected as a bubble gum chewing Frankenstein’s monster with an army of gremlins that have been fed after midnight at his command. That’s Sean’s defining aspect.” ~Dennis Dread

Ronald Red-butt

Psychotic Duck

Mauser (ode to Spiegelman)

Mr. Eye



Johnny Lou

Kaiser Roll, “Needs More Mustard Gas.”


Picky the Vulture

Laureato in biblioteconomia, autore del volume sull'editoria underground italiana dal titolo "Underground: ascesa e declino di un'altra editoria 1966-1977" edito da Costa & Nolan e già collaboratore della rivista di collezionismo "Vintage" con una rubrica sulla poster art.

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