IPRA EXPO’ 2013: Do it Yourself !!

ITALIAN VERSION: Ciao ragazzi, il conto alla rovescia per la terza edizione di IPRA EXPO ‘ è iniziato e quest’anno sarai anche tu a promuovere l’evento che raccoglie tutto la miglior poster art italiana… Come?   Just do it yourself ! Semplice, dovete postare sulla nostra pagina Facebook e dove volete, qualche strambo personaggio con in mano […]

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IPRA presents Pocko

JOEY HI-FI is the alter-ego of illustrator & designer, D. Halvorsen. Operating from his secret underground lair in Cape Town, South Africa, he enjoys working on a variety of projects from book covers to logo’s, comics, t-shirts and packaging. His work has been featured in ‘Design Indaba’ magazine, ‘Communication Arts’ & the cult South African […]

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IPRA presents “Solar-Powered Annual Report” by Serviceplan

Solar energy is the main business of our client Austria Solar. That´s why we thought about how we could put this energy to paper. The result: the first annual report powered by the sun. Its content remains invisible until sunlight falls on its pages. Produced by ServicePlan Gruppe, Germany. Austria Solar Annual Report, powered by […]

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Non ci si dovrebbe mai schierare quando si ha a che fare con più artisti, ma non posso esimermi dall’esprimere la più profonda gratitidine verso Don e Ryan Clark. La Invisible Creature è probabilmente il mio studio grafico preferito, e riceverlo ai microfoni di IPRA è stato un autentico piacere. Con questa intervista American In […]

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IPRA presents Hag Cult

This is Hag Cult, the art of M.Fersner… Growing up fascinated with horror and classic movies, the paranormal, video games and comic books, it is no wonder these played such a huge part in developing and influencing my style throughout the years. Ever since I could remember, my siblings and I would walk to the […]

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IPRA presents Octophant

The Octophant started, for me, as a sketch I did while being dead in a game of Werewolf. I did not know I had just created my own totem.

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IPRA presents Frank Plant

Frank Plant is a Barcelona based American sculptor. He studied sculpture at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After finishing his B.A. in fine arts in 1993 he moved to Amsterdam and during this period he began to develop his drawings in steel. These are simple and direct studies of the forms and […]

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