IPRA presents Arian Bezhadi

From the official Flickr Page of Arian Bezhadi.

I am currently a Biological Sciences major with an emphasis in Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior at UC Davis. In between classes, however, I do personal and commissioned visual design work. I have always found parallels between art and the sciences so a lot of my studies find their way into my artwork. Aside from design work, I am a research assistant at the Carraway/Sweeney Cancer Lab and an intern at the Same Day Surgery Center at the UCD Medical Center.

Laureato in biblioteconomia, autore del volume sull'editoria underground italiana dal titolo "Underground: ascesa e declino di un'altra editoria 1966-1977" edito da Costa & Nolan e già collaboratore della rivista di collezionismo "Vintage" con una rubrica sulla poster art.

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